Smokefree Cars Campaign #smokefreecarnz

Smokefree Cars Campaign #smokefreecarnz

Public Support
Second-hand smoke
Smokefree cars
Amaroa Katu
03 5206260

Goals and objectives

To create an awareness amongst drivers of cars, on the impact to passengers, particularly children, when smoking in cars.

Target audience

Drivers who smoke in cars; adult passengers and car owners.

Project fit with 2025 aims

It supports the initiative to reduce the prevalence of our children and grandchildren's exposure to tobacco smoke and tobacco use.

What happened

Worked in partnership with local organisations to hold a competition supporting smokefree cars.

The promotion included providing individuals with the opportunity to win 1 of 5 free Warrant of Fitness’s by taking a photo of the sticker in their car window and uploading it on social media using #smokefreecarnz.


Smokefree Marlborough Coalition and Blenheim Testing Station.

Key outcomes

This competition is ongoing. There have been over 700 stickers provided.

Key learnings

What worked well:

  • Gaining input from a local business.
  • Having buy-in from a local radio station to promote this competition.
  • Using something as simple as a sticker and hashtag to gain people interest.

What would you do differently?

  • Ask for more free Warrants of Fitness to be available as the promotion and coverage has been to their advantage

What's more

  • Four photo’s
  • 2x Marlborough Boys College promotion, 2x Whitney Street School promotion.
  • One newspaper article
  • 1x Marlborough Express, page 6 20 May 2015
  • Two radio ads
  • 1x generic ad, 1x compilation from the Whitney Street School promotion.
Page last updated: 24 Mar 2016