Kaua e momi haurehu/Auahi kore and No vaping/Smokefree Stickers
Please note that these stickers are available to schools, kura, ECEs and kōhanga reo ONLY - orders can be placed here
The stickers are double-sided and can be used on windows and doors (including wooden doors). Each sticker sheet contains two stickers, one in te reo Māori and one in English. They are not intended for placing on fences and gates in an external environment.
The size of each sticker is 97 x 87mm.
From 11 May 2021, all schools, kura, ECEs and kōhanga reo must display a notice stating that smoking and vaping within the premises is forbidden at all times.
These notices must be prominently displayed at or immediately inside:
- every entrance to the premises
- every entrance to every building or enclosed area on the premises, excluding buildings and areas not usually in use.
These locations are the same as previously required for Smokefree notices under the Smokefree Environments Act. The 'no vaping' notices are intended to be displayed along with existing 'no smoking' notices.
Kaua e momi haurehu/auahi kore and No vaping/Smokefree stickers
This PDF document includes a printable template of the stickers/notice that can be used/printed by other organisations who are not eligible to order printed stickers but are welcome to use these downloadable files.